Help Bring the Electric Mobility Revolution to Rural Sub Saharan Africa
For many rural women in Sub Saharan Africa, one of the biggest uses of their time is spent walking, getting from one place to another. Women walk long distances to fetch water, or get to the river to do the dishes or clean the clothes. Faced with a lack of services and infrastructure, rural women carry a great part of the burden of providing water and fuel for their households. According to UN Women, collectively, women from Sub-Saharan Africa spend about 40 billion hours a year fetching water.
Mobility for Africa’s focus is to bring tough sturdy renewable energy charged electric bikes and tricycles, branded and backstopped by trained community support services. Powered through community based off grid energy supply, e-tricycles will provide the incentive for increased economic opportunities, creating new local markets and enhancing rural livelihoods.
Mobility for Africa believes in addition to the social impact, they can reduce carbon emissions through providing green energy, to creating rural off grid energy to stimulate new economic activities.
Donations received for Mobility for Africa will be used to help expand this innovative transportation solution to more communities.
Mobility for Africa Case Study
Mobility for Africa Mission Statement
To create renewable community-based transport solutions for Sub Saharan Africa that is affordable, efficient and environmentally friendly. By building a model that reinforces and builds local distribution networks, seeks to change behavior and empower women, and works on a sustainability model that also creates shared economies, Mobility for Africa will create new opportunities and improve the quality of life for rural communities.
Further Details on Mobility for Africa’s Target Market
The critical target market for Mobility for Africa is women living under $5 per day. According to FAO, 80 percent of the farmland in Sub Saharan Africa is managed by smallholders (working on up to 10 hectares) and almost 50 percent are women. FAO estimates that with more productive resources, women farmers could increase yields on their farms by 20-30 percent, lifting 100-150 million people out of hunger. Smallholders provide up to 80 percent of the food supply Sub Saharan Africa.