BBS Nonprofits

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We use our network of generous individuals and organisations to help support nonprofits in a variety of ways. Although every situation is unique, this support can come in the form of funding, mentorship, tangible supplies, volunteers, and more. Once your organisation is plugged into our database, we set to work looking for ways to help you grow.

We’ll Be There Every Step of the way

Nonprofits need a lot more than money. Each of us have valuable skills and resources that can make a world of difference to grassroots causes. We have used our volunteer database to plug everyone from circus performers to Fortune 500 executives into valuable charity projects around the world.

If we can do it for them, we can do it for you too.


Who BBS Supports

We support legally registered nonprofits with clear directives and transparent financial records. All applicants must have an English-speaking team member or be able to provide English translation. We do not discriminate by race, religion, location or need.


After confirming you meet our support qualifications as noted above, the next step is completing the online registration process


Apply for Support

Once your organisation has registered with BBS, you may apply for support. This can be project specific or a request for general support.


Once submitted, our team will review your application and contact you with any follow-up questions we may have. In some situations, we will request your permission to have a BBS representative visit your organisation in person. Once your organisation has been approved, it will be added to our nonprofit platform and become a candidate for support.

Creating Partnerships

Once your organisation becomes an approved nonprofit partner, we will set to work finding you support. Every organisation’s needs are unique, so this can be anything from financial donations to volunteers to mentorship to supplies and beyond. If and when we find potential partners, we will work to create a collaborative partnership between all parties. This includes introducing both parties, working to create shared meaning, and a detailed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) about how the partnership will work including agreed upon project measurements. We’ll guide all sides throughout the partnership and subsequent reporting processes from start to finish. Please note that while we do our best, we cannot guarantee BBS will be able to find partners for all nonprofit applicants.

On-Going Support

Relationships are important to us. Whether we’ve already found you the support you need, or you’re still waiting for a match, we want to know what’s happening in your community. Our team will work together with yours to build strong channels of communication to raise your visibility and keep the conversation going before, during and after partnering together.


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