Situated in rural southern Alberta, within the tight-knit community of Wrentham, stands the Wrentham Community Library. For over three decades, this cherished institution has been the community cornerstone, providing not just books but a gathering place, and a hub for community activities. However, in 2023, a devastating waterline break and flood caused significant damage to the physical infrastructure and the entire book collection.

Business for Better Society (BBS) recognized the vital role the library plays in Wrentham’s fabric and the necessity of corporate support to rebuild their book collection to pre-flood levels.

The journey of support began with the idea to reach out to Scholastic Canada for assistance. With BBS’s guidance and expertise, the Wrentham Library wrote to the organisation detailing the impact of the flood and how the library supports the diverse needs of the community, including homeschooled children.

What followed was a testament to the power of partnership and shared purpose. Scholastic Canada, renowned for its commitment to literacy and education, responded with unwavering generosity with a critical donation.

The significance of this gesture extends far beyond the pages of the donated books. It underscores the transformative potential when corporations and community-based organizations join forces for the greater good. And most importantly, it reaffirms the belief that no challenge is insurmountable when met with compassion and collaboration.

As we reflect on this inspiring tale, let us be reminded of the profound impact we can achieve when we come together with a shared purpose. Whether in the corridors of corporate boardrooms or the halls of community libraries, let us strive to emulate the spirit of collaboration and empathy that brought together a small library in rural Wrentham with a leading publishing house in metropolitan Toronto.