We wish to share this message and request for your help and insights from Kitchens 4 Missions.
Kitchens 4 Missions is proud to be a member of a coalition of like-minded mental health advocates trying to give the restaurant/hospitality industry a voice.
Not 9 to 5 (www.not9to5.org) was founded on instinct and then cemented in data. In honour of #mentalhealthawarenessmonth they’ve created a new survey to gather more data on the mental health & substance use challenges in the restaurant, foodservice & hospitality industry.
This is the survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PWFMWEB
Can you please fill it out and help us amplify and share it with your industry network? They’ll be sharing all the results with the general public on their website and social channels in Summer 2021.
Thank you!!