In the remote district of Zebak, Badakhshan, a small project has made a big impact on the lives of local families. The “Reducing the Effect of Smoke & Improving Personal Hygiene” initiative, implemented by SALEHO and funded by the BBS community of...
In the rural landscape of Uganda, a story of collaboration unfolds, narrated by the joint efforts of MTN Uganda, the MTN Uganda Foundation, and Bega kwa Bega, under the auspices of Business for Better Society (BBS). In this blog post we’re delighted to introduce...
Since 2018, Business for Better Society (BBS) has been committed to making a positive impact on the lives of the Afghan people. We began our journey with an adult literacy program in the Badakhshan province and have since expanded our efforts to address crucial issues...
In the 21st century, as the world makes unprecedented strides in technology, science, and economic development, it is disheartening that millions of people in rural Africa still lack access to one of the most basic necessities of life: clean water. It is a stark...
In the realm of pressing social issues, one that often goes unnoticed is period poverty. This silent epidemic has far-reaching consequences, particularly impacting teenage girls. It’s a problem that transcends borders and socioeconomic divides, affecting...
In this latest update, we want to switch gears and share some of the World Health Organisation’s new data as it relates to household air pollution. Why? In 2023 BBS will continue to work in the Badakhshan province of Afghanistan with the opening of our second...