The following update is from The Literate Earth Project (as is the photo) about a great new partnership and fundraising initiative.

“With Ugandan schools recently ending the longest COVID-19 related school closures of any country in the world, we have been ramping up our work, getting our 16 libraries back up and running, and planning for expansion to Ethiopia and Kenya. Today though, we are asking you to help us bring libraries to those who need them most: refugee children.

Daniel and Chol, below, are students at Ayilo IA Primary School in Ayilo I Refugee Settlement. Like most of their classmates, they had to flee the violence in South Sudan and are now living in northern Uganda. They have never had access to books and, without our support, they likely never will.

We are partnering with SPEAK, an organization which provides conflict resolution for refugees from ethnic groups who are forced to live in close proximity and under which historical tensions can spark violence. As always, LEP’s actions are guided by those on the ground with the best knowledge of how to use our resources most effectively. We provide support and guidance but each library is run by the local community.

LEP will be administering a Facebook fundraiser starting Sunday July 31st to open a library for Daniel, Chol and their classmates but hopefully, with your support, we can go far beyond just their school. As with all LEP libraries, the cost is less than $5,000 and these students will receive a standalone library, books in every classroom, sets of African children’s books, literacy training for all teachers and a digital center (a new addition starting this year).”

To give to LEP, you can also donate via their dedicated page on the BBS website.  Please click here to be taken directly to their page.