Situated in rural southern Alberta, within the tight-knit community of Wrentham, stands the Wrentham Community Library. For over three decades, this cherished institution has been the community cornerstone, providing not just books but a gathering place, and a hub for...
In 2023, Business for Better Society was selected as one of four recipients of the Hope in Crisis Grants, recognizing our efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Teaming up with the DR Congo registered non-profit, Remember Youth for Change, we successfully...
In the heart of Zambia, a beacon of hope has been shining since 2005. The Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development (CCCYD) has been tirelessly working to provide women, children, and orphans with the resources essential to pave the way for a brighter future...
In a world where access to clean water is considered a fundamental right, it is disheartening to learn that millions still lack this basic necessity. According to a March 2023 World Bank blog, around 387 million people lacked a basic level of drinking water service,...
Since 2018, Business for Better Society (BBS) has been committed to making a positive impact on the lives of the Afghan people. We began our journey with an adult literacy program in the Badakhshan province and have since expanded our efforts to address crucial issues...
In the 21st century, as the world makes unprecedented strides in technology, science, and economic development, it is disheartening that millions of people in rural Africa still lack access to one of the most basic necessities of life: clean water. It is a stark...